Talking to Humans
The top practices today in customer discovery for lean startup business models are covered in Giff Constable’s Talking to Humans. I wanted share what I learned in my time reading it.
Jason "instills confidence and reliability"
Those who work with Jason have said he's positive, innovative, proactive, a team player, mindful, leaves his ego at the door, a consistent volunteer, and a design leader.
based on before and after usability test scores
in the visual design industry
in the Product Design for SaaS
Found for every 1 work item worked on
Some of the most enjoyable adventures Jason has led recently.
In-depth card sorting sessions with our users swing our navigation's grouping, labels, and overall user comprehension in a powerful, new direction.
Sloppy, non-intuitive layout is revamped into an easy-to-use product via UI and visual design best practices.
Leveraging Google Maps APIs to help users find places to meet up halfway in between each other. Built with Node.js.
Draw grid-based vector graphics like logos, icons, and illustrations using an extensive library of grids. Built with Node.js and Tailwind CSS.
Unforgettable moments and friends made along the way.
Because there's nothing more powerful than thinking for yourself.
The top practices today in customer discovery for lean startup business models are covered in Giff Constable’s Talking to Humans. I wanted share what I learned in my time reading it.
In the information age, it has become too easy to overfixate on numbers and certainty before taking action. It seems healthy enough. Why embrace uncertainty? Certainty can take away your freedom.
I believe in strong critical thinking and ethics. Hence philosophy, Catholicism, their history, and questions about what's truly valuable are paramount to my way of seeing the world. In philosophical thought, my most cherished findings have been:
Truth and love are essential in relationships, Planning is good, but execution is better, be stubborn on vision and flexible on details, and never stop seeking humility, gentleness, and lowliness no matter your position.
Jason drives the UX/UI design for several BAM Technologies customers.